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Industrial Special Risks

Home Industrial Special Risks

Professional indemnity Policy

This policy indemnifies the insured against legal liability for damages and claimant’s costs and expenses in respect of claims for breach of professional duty.

First made against you by reason of any neglect, omission or error occurring or committed in good faith and in connection with the conduct of the practice

Contractors’ all risks policy

This policy provides cover for all civil engineering works against

Fire, lightning and explosion

Water damage and wind storm


Burglary and theft accompanied by violent and visible means of entry or exit (theft by employee not included)

Accidental damage and impact

Third party liability risks if required

Plant all risks policy

Provides cover to plant against any unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage from any cause not specifically excluded.

Machinery breakdown policy

Covers any sudden and unforeseen physical loss or damage other than fire damage to machinery whilst in the premises, whether they are at work or at rest from causes not specifically excluded.